Heeeeeere’s Workout #1 (ideas on creative name?)
11 Sep
So here it is….this is the first workout. My friend Amy and I created it for the HP Ladies Exercise Class (at my church) and anyone else who would like to use it. To get the full workout document go to the WORKOUT tab at the top of the blog and click on the drop-down to get to WORKOUT 1 (or click on this hyperlink). For the best results try to workout at least three times a week. If you need a reminder for how to do individual exercises please check the drop-down menu on the EXERCISE tab (at the top of the page) for video illustrations. Note that not all exercises are illustrated (still need to do more work on that!).
The video below is how I thought it went….please leave comments below to let me know what YOU think — hard, easy, more, less, bad, good………..????? Also any ideas for a name to better describe “Workout 1???
2 Responses to “Heeeeeere’s Workout #1 (ideas on creative name?)”