Archive | September, 2010

Challenge for my church fitness class ladies……

30 Sep

I have challenged the ladies in the class to do any combination of  Workouts 1,2, or 3 at least 6x before we meet again on Oct. 9th. The first 2 poeple to let me know they have completed it will get what I consider the best ever protein/energy/health bar.

Ta-da…Workout #3

25 Sep

So here’s Workout #3 (still need you to come up with a better name!). This workout is tough, but in a different way then the previous two workouts. It consists of six circuits that are focussed on controlled and intense muscle movements.  I’ve introduced some new exercises so I’ll be updating my blog soon with […]

….and here’s “Workout 2”

18 Sep

I have to say this workout made me sore the next day. I really like the cardio circuit and arm circuit. I hope you’ll enjoy this like I did. If you get a chance to do it, let me know.  I put this workout together so wide range levels can be accommodated (click on link below or on the “Workout” tab at the top […]

Heeeeeere’s Workout #1 (ideas on creative name?)

11 Sep

So here it is….this is the first workout. My friend Amy and I created it for the HP Ladies Exercise Class (at my church) and anyone else who would like to use it. To get the full workout  document go to the WORKOUT tab at the top of the blog and click on  the drop-down to get to WORKOUT 1 […]